Happy Father’s Day

May2009_85.jpgOn this Father’s Day, wishing all fathers a very joyous day. Here is a sweet note from Amin to his father from four years ago. A more proud father could not be had. We all miss you Amin-jan; particularly your mom and dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and them on this day.

From: “Amin Amirkia”
To: “S. Amirkia”
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 10:44:30 PM
Subject: Happy Father’s Day

Dearest Dad,

Wishing you a very happy Father’s Day. I did not have a proper opportunity to speak with and thank you when Maryam called you earlier today.

Although words cannot express a son’s gratitude to his father, I am most appreciative and fortunate for your many years of unconditional love, sacrifice, patience and encouragement. I hope that one day I may be able to provide my children the same. It is also my hope that I will be able to live a life that will have made all your sacrifices worthwhile.

While I know that I do not express my thanks and appreciation often enough, please know that I am always very aware of all that you do and have done for Laila, Vafa and I.

With love from Beijing,


8 Months Since the Passing of Dear Amin

Amin-201210042153.jpgIn memory of the passing of Amin, we’d like to share the following beautiful prayer in Persian by ‘Abdul-Baha.  In it, he consoles a bereaved parent who has lost a child, mentions the high station in the next world, and reminds the parents to accept the Will of God and be patient.


ای معرض مصائب شدیده، این مصیبتِ وارد هر چند رزیّهء عظمی و بلیّهء کبری بود، ولی صبر و تحمّل آن جناب، موهبتی از خدا.  آن وَلَد عزیز چون در اواخر ایّام از جام لبریز حق سرمست گشت و در نهایت توجّه به ملکوت احدیّت بود، لهذا صعودش حُکم عروج داشت و وفاتش حیات ابدی بود.  حال، چون مرغ صبحدم در ریاض ملکوت در ترنّم و نِغَم است و بر شاخسار جهانِ بقا در تغنّی دمبدم.  سرمست کأس عنایت است و مدهوشِ صهبای عفو و مغفرت.  تو دل خوش دار و راضی به قضا شو، اِنّما یُوفّی الصّابرون اجرَهُم بِغَیرِ حساب.  و البهاء علی کلّ صابرٍ علَی البلاء. ع‌ع (بشارةالنّور، ص437)