Loving Letter from Amin’s Mom

Amin & Mon Nov.1983.jpg My dear Amin-joon,

There is no day passing with out thinking of you several times or praying for you. Although it is very hard not being able to see you but I do imagine that you have been pioneering somewhere far far away and still serving the Faith.  This thoughts will brings so much comfort and solace to my heart.

My dear son, very often throughout my life I use to hear a phrase from my father which I was not able to comprehend fully until later in life and that phrase was “you do not realize how lucky you are to be a Bahá’í”. When I became older and had my own family and children then I did realize the true meaning of his say. How fortunate I am as a Bahá’í among many other things to believe in the purpose of this life and the next after.
Bahá’u’lláh explicitly states that, “had we the vision to see the othDSC01961.JPGer world, and the mind to conceive its glory, we would not desire to remain here even for a moment.  Man is destined by God to undergo a spiritual development that extends throughout eternity. His life upon this earth is only the first stage of that development. When we outgrow our physical form, and are considered by God ready to reap the fruit of our spiritual development, we proceed to the other world. We term it death only because of our short-sighttedness. A more proper term would be ‘a more abundant life’.”
Bahá’u’lláh has assured us that you are not of those who has been lost and you will exist and will be remembered till eternity.  All these meaningful words brings confirmations and joy to my heart that there is a day that we will meet again and indeed this is not the end for us but a new beginning in a different way.

Love you forever,
